petal fall

Thursday, May 14, 2015

PODCAST Revolution

Hello Hi Assalammualaikum...... Good morning, afternoon, evening or nite to anyone who read this article. When I 1st read about pod-casting  I was blur... what is this actually....hahaha coz I'm not up to date person especially related to latest gadget or IT. I spent a time reading about pod-casts and finding articles about it. Then I realized, this gadget was going to be an amazing new way to share content across the internet and to millions of MP3 players. And this time I'm going to write what is podcast and you may read more information from The Edge, April13,2015 below to understand podcast definition. I hope you guys can have a better understanding after this and find podcast convenient and easy to use........ yesszaaaa... hopefully!

So Let's Talk More About What is a Podcast?

Based on Mr Google - Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

Simple definition from Jason Van Orden from Podcast tutorial - The word podcast is a play on the word broadcast combined with the word iPod (one of the most popular portable MP3 players). Apple did not invent the word podcast, although I'm sure they are enjoying the free marketing they are getting from the popularity of podcasting. You do not have to have an iPod to listen to a podcast. He mentioned also there are many other MP3 players that are better for listening to podcasts. You can listen to podcasts on anything that plays MP3s. Once the podcast is downloaded, it's just an MP3.

                       So Let's Read More About What is a Podcast here!


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